Friday, July 15, 2011

Stuff I Love: Knitting

I don't knit in summer, because it is always so blessedly hot here in North Carolina, but today it's so overcast and feels cool (it's 76 Fahrenheit), I could almost pick up a knitting project and maybe start a scarf or socks.   So here are a few knitting related items in honor of the (slightly) cool weather.

Knitting Takes Balls Hand Embroidered Hoop
Police Public Call Box Yarn Bowl
Strong Leprechaun Sock Yarn
Hand-knitted Cream Aran Chair Slipcover


  1. These are beautiful, and so much fun. Thanks for bringing these artists to our attention. They deserve it :)

  2. Awesome, I love every single thing up there. But Of course I'm saving my dough for a tardis mug :)

  3. ooh, oooh, oooh...I want that chair!
